Windsor and its surrounding areas have drawn recent national attention for being an excellent value for buying a home. While this market is starting to get stronger and prices are beginning to rise, there are still excellent values for your housing dollar available throughout Essex County, and this is true of the houses for sale in Tecumseh. Combining excellent property size, a desirable area and many features and amenities of the city, Tecumseh is one of the most sought-after areas in Essex County. This town of 24,000 people provides convenient access to Windsor while still offering the suburban lifestyle that many are looking for. Plus, the area has features and a character all its own. At Free Home Information Real Estate, we can help you discover all of your options available for Real Estate in Tecumseh.
Tecumseh is appealing for more than just its proximity to the city. This town features waterfront access along the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair, public parks and walking trails, English and French schooling options from Elementary through High School, its own convenient public transit system that also connects you to Windsor and much more.
Tecumseh is also home to shopping and entertainment options that you used to have to go to the city for, including a movie theatre, golf course, restaurants, an excellent selection of retail shops and so much more all conveniently located no matter where in town you are. Tecumseh also hosts the Tecumseh Corn Festival each August, a celebration featuring concerts, rides, games and more that has been recognized nationally as one of the best festivals in all of Canada.
Tecumseh real estate offers housing in a variety of price ranges, so whether you are looking to purchase your first home, upgrading, coming to the area for the first time or just want to relocate to the suburbs, there is something for everybody available in Tecumseh.
Starter and smaller family homes in Tecumseh start under $130,000 and there many options available from this price range all the way up through luxury properties. There is a good selection of houses for sale in neighbourhoods such as St. Clair Beach or further west closer to Windsor, older or recently-built houses and many different features in each house to consider. Plus, with so many price points available in Tecumseh you will always have great options to upgrade your home or find something else that fits your needs down the road without having to leave the town.
There are also some outstanding upscale and luxury houses for sale in Tecumseh. These include river and lakefront properties, recently-built homes and classically-styled houses and locations from the edge of Windsor all the way through the east end of town near Lakeshore.
Available Tecumseh real estate also features lots for sale where you can custom build the house you want and select houses for rent or lease. For all the details on every available property and the most up-to-date listings, visit our Tecumseh Real Estate Listings Page.
At Free Home Information Real Estate we look forward to working with you throughout your home buying process. Whether you are looking for houses for sale in Tecumseh, Windsor or anywhere else in Essex County or are looking at commercial or industrial properties, contact us today for more information.